I’ve been thinking for a long time which recipe to choose for today. Finally, I inclined to the idea that when it is Sunday, we should make something to be happy. We hear enough bad news during this strange period, so we must remember something nice in order to not succumb to depression. For example, the smell of the freshly baked marble cake, which we enjoyed almost every weekend at my home at the time of my childhood. Perhaps that is why I am still a fan of this cake that can touch the heart.
I use different forms for its preparation. Since small muffins or cupcakes are very popular now, forms for miniature cakes have also appeared on the market (one form is for 18 pieces). They are like small pralines, but actually, they are small, fine and nice cakes – tiny pieces of art that will surely enchant everyone. What’s more, even when preparing them, you will return to your childhood – the ingredients are mixed in such quantities as if you were preparing a dish for your doll! 🙂 And by the way, have you ever realized that marble cake forms are always part of any toy kitchen and sandbox equipment?
Minicakes with Strawberries
We need:
30 g butter
30 g powdered sugar
½ teaspoon of vanillin sugar
2 tablespoons of egg cognac
1 egg
15 g whipped cream
35 g flour
40 g of strawberries cut into miniature pieces
Grease a silicone mold properly and sprinkle it with flour. Melt the butter and when it cools to room temperature, stir in sugar, vanillin sugar and 1 tablespoon of cognac. Add the egg, mix smoothly. Whip the whipped cream and add it to the mixture. Finally, add the flour and mix well. Mix the pieces of strawberries in another bowl with the rest of the egg cognac, sprinkle with flour and then add to the dough. Fill the mold with the help of a decoration bag and bake for about 14 minutes in the oven preheated to 210°C. Leave to cool, remove the cakes from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.
If you don’t have a mini-cake form, please bake any other cake just to have fun. You can also choose one of our other recipes:
3. Carrot Cake
Text: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri
Fotos: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri