For today, I deliberately chose this colorful dish, because colors are important to our lives, to our mood. In addition, it is a meal made from simple ingredients and beetroot is considered a superfood. The reddish color of this sweet-sour-flavored vegetable is caused by betanin, which prevents the development of arterial coronation and promotes liver function. Beetroot cleanses the blood, helps to regulate the metabolism and even provokes a more optimistic mood and this is something we all need in these strange times.
Beetroot with carrot
We need:
200 g beetroot
100 g carrots
1 large onion
3 cloves of garlic
olive oil
1 dried chilli
fresh herbs
Parmesan cheese
Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces, then simmer in oil. Peel the beetroot and cut into smaller slices. Do the same with the carrots. Add the cut vegetables to the onion and garlic mixture and stew for about 20 minutes covered without adding water until the vegetables soften. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs and grated Parmesan cheese. Serve with bread or as a side dish.