In Strasbourg, which is considered the Capital of Christmas, there is a 30-meter-high Christmas tree at Kléber Square. During the pre-Christmas time, a whole crowd of people gathers around it every evening at 5 pm. At first, music sounds, it starts to flicker on the tree, big Christmas balls shine in different colour combinations and after about two minutes, the tree lights up in all its splendor and all people emit a loud wau! Just imagine, 7 kilometers of twinkling lights were used to illuminate this tree! Therefore, 180 extra branches from other trees were implanted to make the tree denser and enable to hang all the lights.
I like the atmosphere when only a Christmas tree lights the room. The lights are reflected in balls and other Christmas decorations. The tree brings me back to my childhood, becoming a symbol of home, warmth, family… When I was a kid, I believed that the tree was decorated by angels. Once, when the decorations were moved after the holidays, I sat down at the boxes with the Christmas balls and waited for the angels to come to take them. However, it was evening already, I had to go to bed… and there was no sign of the boxes the next morning. I was disappointed that I could not see the angles and would have to wait all year again. It’s so beautiful to be a child and believe in miracles!
Dear visitors of my blog, I wish you a wonderful Christmas and I want to add an idea how to conjure up Christmas trees on a festive table that can even be eaten. 🙂
Christmas Trees with a Chocolate Cream
We need:
6 – 8 ice cream cones
500 g dark chocolate
smarties, sugar decorations
200 ml milk
300 ml whipped cream
65 g fine crystal sugar
7 yolks
Boil the milk with whipped cream at low temperature. Mix yolks with sugar, pour hot milk. Heat again at low temperature, add 250 g broken chocolate and stir until the chocolate melts. Pour into small glasses that have a slightly smaller diameter than the cones. Set aside on a cold place for at least 1 hour. Dissolve the remaining chocolate in the water bath, soak carefully the cones in chocolate and turn them until they are coated on the outside (or you can use a brush to paint the cones with melted chocolate). Decorate with smarties, sugar decorations, egg white icing.
Before serving, place the “Christmas trees” on the filled glasses.
If the preparation of the cream seems very difficult for you, you can fill the glasses with chocolate pudding, the effect will also be guaranteed! 🙂
Text: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri
Fotos: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri