Are you missing the yellow sun in the sky? I do not wonder at all. Yellow is the lightest colour because it looks like descending from above. In this sense, it is the colour of warmth, sympathy and wisdom.
The yellow or rather ocher pigment gained from the clay was one of the first colours people began to use in painting. This is the colour of the wild horses in the cave Lascaux in southwestern France painted by a human hand more than 17.000 years ago (Paleolithic Age)!
In ancient cultures, everything that was yellow was also golden, divine and eternal… Egyptians painted the bodies of their gods in yellow, the Romans illustrated gold and also the skin of figures which could be seen on preserved wall paintings in Pompeii was yellow. Roman emperors liked to dye bath water with saffron while Babylonian and Persian kings coloured their shoes and clothes for their daughters. But the fabric must have been pure white otherwise the result would not be as nice. The only suitable fabric was silk which was extremely expensive in those days. And what about saffron used as dyestuff? It was even more expensive. It means that yellow cloth was nothing for ordinary people. Yellow was the colour of wealth and power.
Yellow really yells for attention. It is very distinct and attracts both birds and insects. And the human eye is also very sensitive to yellow. It is the best recognizable colour both in darkness and from distance.
If you want to make your raw days more colourful cook something in yellow. For example these yellow stuffed peppers.
Peppers stuffed with couscous
We need:
4 large yellow peppers
500 ml vegetable stock
175 g couscous
1 small zucchini
1 bio lemon
120 g dried tomatoes in oil
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of parsley
some basil leaves
150 ml crème fraîche
300 g mozzarella
pepper or chilli powder
Boil 350 ml of stock, take away and mix couscous into it and cover with a lid. Halve the peppers leaving stalks on and remove the seeds. Peel zucchini and dice. Press 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and grate the lemon skin. Drain tomatoes and cut them into small pieces. Cut garlic fine, parsley and basil coarsely. When the couscous absorbs all the liquid mix it with a fork, then add crème fraîche, lemon juice and skin, tomatoes, garlic, parsley and basil. Flavour with salt and pepper.
Dice mozzarella and add to the mixture. Oil a baking form. Flavour pepper halves with salt and pepper and stuff them with the mixture. Put them on the baking form, add the rest of the stock, cover the form with aluminium foil and bake for about 20 minutes in the preheated oven at 180°C. Remove the foil and bake for 20 minutes more.
Text: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri
Fotos: © Copyright Ingrid, Travelpotpourri